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Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter. Russian Basic Research Foundation
Связанные издания:
ADBIS 94 - Proc. of the Intern. Workshop on Advances in Databases and Information Systems. Moscow, Russia, May 23-26, 1994
ADBIS'95: Proc./ Second International Workshop on Advances in Databases and Information Systems
ADBIS'95: Proc./Second International Workshop on Advances in Databases and Information Systems
A Dialogue-Based Approach for the Development of Information Systems
Algebraic Invariants of Database Schemes
A Preprocessor Approach to Persistent C++
Composition Approach to Systematic Development of Database Systems
CONCEPT: a Language for Conceptual Modelling
Conceptual Similarity Measures for Trademark Retrieval
Cooperative Recognition of Interdatabase Dependencies
Equivalence of Relational Databases
HM Data Model and its Formal Definition
Inductive Reasoning Using Thesaurus
Integration and Handling of Hypermedia Information as a Challenge for Multimedia and Federated Database Systems
Magic Sets vs. SLD-Resolution
Model-Theoretical and Deductive Approaches to Databases from the Point of View of Algebraic Logic
Object Oriented Markup Language and Restructuring Hierarchical Database Objects
Object-Oriented Solutions
Prototyping a Categorical Database in P/FDM
Relaxation of Correctness in Database Systems
Spatial Joins and R-trees
Specialization and Generalization in an Object Oriented Database
Stating Quality in Dynamic Information Systems
The MaStA I/O Cost Model and its Validation Strategy
Towards Integrated Computer Aided Systems and Software Engineering Tool
Transforming an Entity-Relationship Schema into Object-Oriented Database Schemas
Transforming Conceptual ER Schema into Object Oriented Databases