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Integrating Symbolic Mathematical Computation and Artificial Intelligence
Связанные издания:
A General Technique for Automatically Optimizing Programs Through the Use of Proof Plans
Algebraic Specification of Empirical Inductive Learning Methods based on Rough Sets and Matroid Theory
An Interpretation of the Propositional Boolean Algebra as a k-algebra. Effective Calculus
A Practical Algorithm for Geometric Theorem Proving
A Proof Environment for Arithmetic with the Omega Rule
Combining Computer Algebra and Rule Based Reasoning
Combining Theorem Proving and Symbolic Mathematical Computing
Datalog and TwoGroups and C++
Interactive Theorem Proving and Computer Algebra
Modeling Cooperating Agents Scenarios by Deductive Planning Methods and Logical Fiberings
Planning a Proof of the Intermediate Value Theorem
Propagation of Mathematical Constraints in Subdefinite Models
Subdefinite Computations and Symbolic Transformations in the UniCalc Solver
Subsymbolic Processing using Adaptive Algorithms
The Ideal Structure of Grobner Base Computations
Theories = Signatures + Propositions Used as Types
Tools for solving problems in the scope of algebraic programming