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Proceedings of the CS&P 97 Workshop
Связанные издания:
A Representation of Processes of Contextual Nets by Matrices
Coloured Petri nets approach to the validation of Estelle specifications
Computer Aided Report and Archive System KARDIS - A Prototype of an electronical Patient Record for the Cardiology
Cyclic Orders and the axiomatization of causality and concurrency in periodic processes
Generating PVS Proof Obligations for TAM Specifications
MedicoInternet. Presentation of Secure Multimedia Patient Records in the Internet
Merging Estelle with TLA+ - work in progress
Model-Checking with Coverability Graphs
Modelling rational BDI-agents within the framework of asynchronous automata
On Parametrical Sequences in Time Petri Nets
Process Languages and Nets
Signal-Event Nets
The Benefit of Waiting