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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Ada for Multicomputers
A Data-Parallel Declarative Language for the Simulation of Large Dynamical Systems and Its Compilation
A Friendly Data Flow Programming Environments
A Parallelizer for a Language without Variables
A Rapid Compiler Prototyping System for Fine-Grained Concurrence Architectures
CCSP - A Formal System for Distributed Program Debugging
Compiling a Producer-Consumer LEQ System in a Network of Communicating Processes
Dataflow Assembly Language Programming System
Data-flow Language for MIMD Distributed Memory Multiprocessors
Fortran DVM - Language for Portable Parallel Programs Development
Graphical Construction of Parallel Programs
Monitoring and Debugging in RAMPA
Monitoring Parallel Programs for Detecting Access Anomalies Occurred First
Object-Oriented Language for Distributed Computations
Pact - A Fault Tolerant Parallel Programming Environment
PipeLib: A Parallel Library for Writing Pipeline Applications
Retargetable Compiler of ANSI C Superset for Vector and Superscalar Computers
SYNAPS/3 - An Extension of C for Scientific Computations
The Programming Language Modula-P
TPML: Parallel Meta Language for Scientific and Engineering Computations using Transputers