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16th World Computer Congress 2000
Связанные издания:
Accurate Binding Time Analysis for Imperative Languages
A COTS Based Product Line Architecture for Generating Design Editors
A Distributed and Parallel Object Database Server System for Windows NT
A Distributed Network Management Architecture Based on CORBA and Mobile Agent
A Lineal Temporal Logic with Continuous Semantics for Hybrid Systems
A Loop Optimization Technique Based on Quasi-Invariance
Ambiguity Measures in Requirements Engineering
A methoddology for the design of calloborative services
An Algorthm of Automatic Semantic Class Tagging
An Architecture for Object-Relational Data Warehouse
An Automatic Code Generation Process for Dynamic Specialization based on Design Patterns and Formal Techniques
An Efficient Slicing Method for Library Functions and Its Implementation LibSlicer
An Empirical and Theoretical Analysis of the Speed and Error-Proneness of Some User Interface Widgets
An Evidential Framework for Diagnosing the Significance of Inconsistencies in UML Models
A New Software Architecture in Designing. Multiprotocol Router
A New Test Design Method for Requirement-Based Software Testing
An Integrated Approach to Hardware/Software Co-design
An NCE Context-sensitive Graph Grammar and its Application to Visual Languages
An Object-oriented Framework for Testing Software and its Application to Testing a Real-Time Safety-Critical System
A Pioneer Design and Plan of a Prfessianal Master Coursee for Software Quality Evaluation
Applying Theory to Practice Airworthy Software measured and Analysed
Architecture-centric Software Development
A Semantics for Verilog using Duration Calculus
A Theory of Testing High-Level Petri Nets
A Two-layer Geodata Semantic Integration Framework Based on WebSISP
Comparative Metrics in Procedure-Oriented and Object-Oriented Software Implementation of a Simple Single-Input-Single-Output Digital Process Control Problem in Educational Environment
Component Construction Model and Interactive Computation Semantics for Object Systems
Component Retrieval Based on Architecture for Reuse
Composing Software Components at Architectural Level
Coping with Changes: Adaptive Process Management with Higher-Order Object Nets
Design and Implementation of a Hard Real-Time Communication Protocol
Design and Implementation of the Formal Specification Acquisition System SAQ
Developing Consensus on the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge
DSEW-R: A Reactive Multi-Agent Environment for Web-Based Simulation
Estimating Web Development Effort using Analogy
Exploring the Relation between Effort and Duration in Software Engineering Projects
Formalizing Use Case Diagrams in Hierarchical Predicate Transition Nets
Formal specification and automatic validationof interactive software
From Continuous Specification to Discrete Design
Hierarchical Graph Models and Visual Processing
Integration of Markup Languages, Document Transformation and Software Components in the Development of Applications: the DTC Approach
Java as Distributed Object Glue
JPI: Pure Java Language Based Heterogeneous Parallel Processing Supporting Platform
Livelocks, Fairness and Protocol Verification
Malaj: A Proposal to Eliminate Clashes between Aspect-Oriented andd Object-Oriented Programming
Managing Conceptual Abstraction in Specifications of Software-Intensive Systems
Measures for Assessing SQL Code Maintainability
Mining Fuzzy Rules from Large Relational Databases
Multilingual System for Universal Communication: Web Browser Implementation of Mixed-Language Document Handling System
Network Management based on Combination of CORBA and Java
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