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Связанные издания:
16th World Computer Congress 2000. Proc. of Conference on Software: Theory and Practice
Accurate Binding Time Analysis for Imperative Languages
A Loop Optimization Technique Based on Quasi-Invariance
Ambiguity Measures in Requirements Engineering
An Algorthm of Automatic Semantic Class Tagging
An Efficient Slicing Method for Library Functions and Its Implementation LibSlicer
An Evidential Framework for Diagnosing the Significance of Inconsistencies in UML Models
A New Test Design Method for Requirement-Based Software Testing
An Integrated Approach to Hardware/Software Co-design
An NCE Context-sensitive Graph Grammar and its Application to Visual Languages
Developing Consensus on the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge
Exploring the Relation between Effort and Duration in Software Engineering Projects
Hierarchical Graph Models and Visual Processing
Integration of Markup Languages, Document Transformation and Software Components in the Development of Applications: the DTC Approach
Malaj: A Proposal to Eliminate Clashes between Aspect-Oriented andd Object-Oriented Programming
Object Integrity while Allowing Aliasing
Software Architecture and Softeare Engineering
SOZL language: A new software development methodology
Strukturing Knowledge Acquisition in Ressearch Oriented Software Development Projects
Syntactic Processing of Diagrams by Graph Grammars
The Impact of Requirements Volatility on the Software Development Lifecycle