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Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Связанные издания:
Expert Systems for Fault Diagnosis on CNC Machines
Expert Systems in Higher Education: Advanced Techniqes in the System Orest
Expert Systems in Mining
Expert-Tutoring Systems: Architecture and Development Tools
Explanation-Based Reuse of Prolog Programs
Explanation Strategies in a Tutoring System
Exploiting the Induced Order on Type-Labeled Graphs for Fast Knowledge Retrieval
Exploting Context When Learning to Classify
Extending Constructive Negation for Partial Functions in Lazy Functional-logic Languages
Extending Contraint Satisfaction Problem Solving in Structural Design
Extending Deductive Database Languages by Embedded Implications
Extending Horn Clause Theories by Reflection Principles
Extensions to Logic Programming Motivated by the Construction of a Generic Theorem Prover
Extracting Explicit and Implicit Knowledge from Natural Language Texts
Extracting Inheritance Hierarchies from Prolog Programs: A System Based on the Inherence of Type Relations
Extraction of Informations from Highly Heterogeneous Source of Textual Data
Extraction of Knowledge from Data Using Constrained Neural Networks
Facing Environment Discontinuity through User Location
Factory scheduling using Finite Domains
Facts, Fantasies and Frameworks: The Design of a Knowledge Acquisition Workbench
Fast Termination of the Deductive Process in Resolution Proof Systems for Non-Classical Logics
Fast Transforms in the Internet Document Retrieval
Fault Diagnosis based on Simulation Models
Feature Selection Using Rough Sets Theory
Finitary Partial Inductive Definitions as a General Logic
Finite Domains and Exclusions as First-Class Citizens
First-Order Future Interval Logic
FOIL: A Midterm Report
Forecasting Time Series with Connectionist Nets: Applications in Statistics, Signal Processing and Economics
Formalization of a Spatialized Multiagent Model using Coloured Petri Nets for the Study of an Hunting Management System
Formal Methods for Automated Program Improvement
Formal Models of Agents: An Introduction
Formulas-as-types for a Hierarchy of Sublogics of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic
Foundations of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
FRIENDLY-WAM: An Interactive Tool to Understand the Compilation of PROLOG
From Carnap s Modal Logic to Autoepistemic Logic
From Computational Intelligence to Web Intelligence: An Ensemble from Potpourri
From Inductive Inference to Algorithmic Learning Theory
From the Past to the Future: Executing Temporal Logic Programs
From Verification to Modelling Guidelines
Functional Inductive Logic Programming with Queries to the User
Fundamentals of Fuzzy Logical Circuits
Future Directions for Soft Computing
Fuzzy Control and Neural Networks: Applications for Consumer Products
Fuzzy Dynamic Systems
Fuzzy Logic-Based Processing of Expert Rules Used for Checking the Creditability of Small Business Firms
Fuzzy Logic, Inductive and Analogical Reasoning
Fuzzy Logic or Lukasiewicz Logic: A Clarification
Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming
Fuzzy Representations in Neural Nets
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