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Связанные издания:
ACP with Signals
A graph transformation algorithms for concurrency control in a partitioned database
Algebraic and Logic Programming: Proc./International Workshop held in Gaussig (DDR), November 1988
Analysis of parallel uniform hashing
A Non-Branch Risc Kernel for Large-Grain Dataflow Computation
An Optimal Partitioning Method for Parallel Algorithms
A space efficient distributive sort
A Survey of Parallel Computational Geometry Algorithms
A Taxonomy of Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms
BABEL: A Functional and Logic Programming Language based on constructor discipline and narrowing
Communications Architectures for Fine-Grain Parallel Processing
Fast Parallel Algorithms and the Complexity of Parallelism (Basic issues and recent advances)
Functional Extensions to PROLOG: are they needed?
Implementation and Evaluation of a Parallel Theorem Prover for Horn-Clause Logic
Infinitesimal vs.Discrete Methods in Neural Network Synthesis
Initial Computability, Algebraic Specifications, and Partial Algebras
Integrating Logic Programming and Equational Specification of Abstract Data Types
Integrity aspects of quasi serializability
Logic Programming with Polymorphically Order-Sorted Types
Models, Parallel Algorithms and Highly-Productive Systems for Data Processing on Neuro-Computer Structures
Modular Algebraic Specifications
Modular Highly-Parallel Computation and Architectures
Nondeterministic Algebraic Specifications and Nonconfluent Term Rewriting
Nonstandard Logics of Recursive Programs and Denotational Semantics
OBJ: Programming with Equalities, Subsorts, Overloading and Parameterization
Optimal Parallel Parsing of Bracket Languages
Optimal speed-up algorithms for template matching on SIMD hypercube multiprocessors with restricted local memory
Parallel AI Algorithms for Fine-Grained Hypercube Multiprocessors
Parallel Algorithms and Architectures: Proc./ International Workshop on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures held in Suhl (GDR), May 25-30, 1987
Parallel Algorithms and Static Analysis of Parallel Programs
Parallel Algorithms in Image Processing
Parallel Computation and Supercomputers and Applications
Parallel Memory Access for Systolic Matrix Computations
Parallel Microprogramming as a Tool for Multi-Microprocessor Systems
Parallel Processing of Combinatorial Search Trees
Parcella 88
Parcella 90
Partial Evaluation and Mixed Computation: Proc./IFIP TC 2 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Mixed Computation, Gammel, Denmark, October 1987
Prefix-free languages as omega-generators
Program inversion in the refinement calculus
PROLOG Implementations for Cellular Architectures
Rectangular partition is polynomial in two dimensions but NP-complete in three
Recursive Tree Networks as Dataflow Machines
Rewrite Rule Systems for Modal Propositional Logic
SYNAPSE: A Multi-Microprocessor LISP Machine with Parallel Garbage Collector
The Megaframe Hypercluster - a Reconfigurable Architecture for Massively Parallel Computers
The Syntax of Parallelism
Towards a Formal Theory of Computer Architecture
Translating Algebraic Spesifications to PROLOG Programs: a Comparative Study
Types, Modularisation and Abstraction in Logic Programming
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