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Univ. Glasgow
Связанные издания:
A Functional Database
Alternative Bases for Comprehensibility and Competition for Expression in a Icon Generation Tool
Current Human-Computer Interaction Research: An Antology of Recent Papers/Ed. by K.Wait
Developments in Database Programming Languages
Do-It-Yourself Iconic Displays: Reconfigurable Iconic Representations of Application Objects
"Do-it-Yourself" Shared Memory Instruction Sets in occam
Exceptions Handling in Lazy Functional Languages
Implementing Algebraically Specified Abstract Data Types in an Imperative Programming Language
Learn Cuisine: No Sauces, No Courses!
Localisation of Application Knowledge in Incremental Development of User Interfaces
MUD: Multiple-view User Interface Design
On the Utilisation of Persistent Programming Environments
Persistence and Type Abstraction Revisited
Polymorphism and Type Inference in Database Programming
Postgraduate Research in Computing Science at the University of Glasgow
Projection Factorisations in Partial Evaluation
Representing Object Identity in a Pure Functional Language
The Database Programming Language Atlant
The Imperative Implementation of Algebraic Data Types
User Interface- Application Communication in the Chimera UIMS