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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Framework of Directionality for Proving Termination of Logic Programs
A General Criterion for Avoiding Infinite Unfolding during Partial Deduction of Logic Programs
A Generic Abstract Interpretation Algorithm and Its Complexity Analysis
A Goal-Oriented Approach to Computing Well Founded Semantics
A Grammatical Approach to DCG Parsing
A Hierarchical Associative Memory Architecture for Logic Programming Unification
A Higher Order Rewriting Logic for Functional Logic Programming
A High-Level Intermediate Language and the Algorithms for Compiling Finite-Domain Constraints
AKL(FD) - A Concurrent Language for FD Programming
A Lazy Narrowing Calculus for Functional Logic Programming with Algebraic Polymorphic Types
Algebraic Complexity Theory
Algebraic Properties of a Class of Logic Programs
Algebraic Specification
Algebra of Logic Programming
Algorithmic Complexity of Logic Programs
Algorithmic Graph Theory
Algorithmic Motion Planning in Robotics
A Linear Logic Calculus of Objects
A Logical Semantics for Depth-First Prolog with Ground Negation
Ambivalent Logic as the Semantic Basis of Metalogic Programming: I
A Memory Organisation Independent Binding Environment for AND and OR Parallel Execution of Logic Pragrams
AMLOG-E: A New Approach towards Amalgamation
A Modal Reconstruction of Blocks and Modules in Logic Programming
A Model Calculus of Partially Ordered Events in a Logic Programming Framework
A Model Generation Theorem Prover in KL1 Using a Ramified-Stack Algorithm
A Multimodal Logic to Define Modules in Logic Programming
An Abstract Interpretation Framework which Accurately Handles Prolog Search-Rule and the Cut
An Abstract Machine for Computing the Well-Founded Semantics
An Algebraic Framework for Abstract Interpretation of Definite Programs
An Algebraic Semantics of Logic Programs as Structured Transition Systems
An Algebraic Semantics of Prolog Program Termination
An Algebra of Logic Programs
An Algorithm of Generalization in Positive Supercompilation
An Alternative Characterization of Disjunctive Logic Programs
Analysing Logic Programs using "Prop"-ositional Logic Programs and a Magic Wand
Analysis of Constraint Logic Programs
Analysis of SLG-WAM Evaluation of Definite Programs
An Architectural Model for a Flat Concurrent Prolog Processor
An Architecture Based on Content-Addressable Memory for the Rapid Execution of Prolog
An Axiomatic Approach to Semantics of Disjunctive Programs
AND-Parallel Execution of Logic Programs on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor: A Summary of Results
An Efficient and Portable Sequential Implementation of Janus
A New Declarative Semantics for Logic Languages
A New Scheme for Unification in WAM
A New Transformation Based on Process-Message Duality for Concurrent Logic Programming
An Extended Dataflow Model of FGHC
An Extension of SLD by Abduction and Integrity Maintenance for View Updating in Deductive Databases
An Implementation Technique for the Abstract Interpretation of Prolog
An Incremental Garbage Collector for WAM-Based Prolog
An Instance of Abstract Interpretation Integrating Type and Mode Inferencing
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