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Связанные издания:
Logical Objects
Logic and Computation
Logic and Database Modeling
Logic Programming
Logic Programming and Genetic Sequence Analysis: a Tutorial
Logic Programming in Oz with Mozart
Logic Programming: Proc./14th Intern. Conf. on Logic Programming
Logic Programming: Proc./1990 North American Conf.
Logic Programming: Proc./1991 Intern. Symp.
Logic Programming: Proc./1993 Intern. Symp.
Logic Programming: Proc./1994 Intern. Symp.
Logic Programming: Proc./1998 Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming
Logic Programming: Proc./Eighth Intern. Conf.
Logic Programming: Proc./Fifth Intern. Conf. and Symp.
Logic Programming: Proc./Fifth Intern.Conf. and Symp.
Logic Programming: Proc./ Intern. Symp. Portland, Oregon, December 4-7, 1995
Logic Programming: Proc./ Joint Intern. Conf. and Symp. on Logic Programming
Logic Programming: Proc. of the 1996 Joint Intern. Conf. and Symp. on Logic Programming
Logic Programming: Proc. of the 1997 Intern Symp.
Logic Programming: Proc. of the Twelfth Intern. Conf. on Logic Programming
Logic Programming: Proc./ The 1999 International Conference on Logic Programming
Logic Programming without Negation as Failure
Logics of Programs
Lower Bound Cost Estimation for Logic Programs
Lower-bound Time-complexity Analysis of Logic Programs
LPDA: Another Look at Tabulation in Logic Programming
Machine-Independent Complexity Theory
Machine Models and Simulations
Macro Processing in Prolog
Magic Sets and Bottom-Up Evaluation of Well-Founded Models
Magic Templates: A Spellbinding Approach to Logic Programs
Many-Valued Semantics for Logic Programming
MARVEL 3.1: A Multi-User Software Development Environment
Memory Compaction for Shared Memory Multiprocessors
Meta-Level Definition and Compilation of Inference Engines in the Epsilon Logic Programming Environment
Meta Programming as Constraint Programming
Meta-Programming through a Truth Predicate
MetaProlog Design and Implementation
Metarules and an Approach to Conjunction in Definite Clause Translation Grammars: Some Aspects of Grammatical Metaprogramming
Meta Software Corporation
Methods and Logics for Proving Programs
Metric Methods in the Semantics of Logic Programs
Modeling Answer Constraints in Constraint Logic Programs
Modeling Real-Time in Concurrent Constraint Programming
Models, Unfolding Rules and Fixpoint Semantics
Modularity in Functional-Logic Programming
Modularity in Logic Programming
Monadic Constructs for Logic Programming
Most Specific Logic Programs
Multiple Interpretations of the Logical Structure of Legal Rules: Implement or Boon to Legal Expert Systems?
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