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Logic Programming: Proc./Fifth Intern. Conf. and Symp.
Связанные издания:
Abductive Planning with Event Calculus
A Broader Interpertation of Logic in Logic Programming
Abstract Algorithmic Debugging
A CLP(R) Options Trading Analisys System
A Compiler and Semantic Analyzer Based on Categorial Grammar
Adding Data and Procedure Abstraction to the Transparent Prolog Machine (TPM)
A Decision Tree Compilation Algorithm for FCP( ,:,?)
A Fast Prolog-Based Production System Kore/IE
A Flat GHC Implementation for Supercomputers
A Framework for Prolog Debugging
A Hierarchical Associative Memory Architecture for Logic Programming Unification
Algorithmic Complexity of Logic Programs
An Architectural Model for a Flat Concurrent Prolog Processor
An Architecture Based on Content-Addressable Memory for the Rapid Execution of Prolog
An Implementation Technique for the Abstract Interpretation of Prolog
An Instance of Abstract Interpretation Integrating Type and Mode Inferencing
An Overview of LambdaProlog
A Parallel Chart Parser for the Committed Choice Non-Deterministic Logic Languages
A Pragmatic Approach to Equational Logic Programming
A Query Evaluation Method for Stratified Programs under the Extended CWA
Arithmetic Classification of Perfect Models of Stratified Programs
A Simple Approach to Finding the Cause of Non-unifiability
A Simple near-Horn Prolog Interpreter
A Simplified Approach to the Implementation of And-Parallelism in an Or-Parallel Environment
A Somewhat Logical Formulation of CLP Synchronisation Primitives
Assertive Demons
A Theory of Directed Logic Programs and Streams
A Type Inference System for Prolog
A VLSI Design Environment in Prolog
Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs
Coda: An Extended Debugger for PROLOG
Compile Time Garbage Collection for Ground Prolog
Completeness of a Top-Down Query Evaluation Procedure for Stratified Databases
Composing Prolog Meta-Interpreters
Conditional Answers for Polymorphic Type Inference
Condition Graphs
Constructive Negation Based on the Completed Database
Control Structures for Guarded Horn Clauses
Deduced Relevant Types and Constractive Negation
Design and Implementation of a Logic Based Language for Data Intensive Applications
Exploiting the Full Power of Logic Plus Functional Programming
From Paramodulation to Narrowing
Gauge: A Workbench for the Performance Analysis of Logic Programs
Implicit Definition of Logic Programs
Improving First-Class Array Expressions Using Prolog
Improving the Register Allocation in WAM by Reordering Unification
Instruction Architecture for a High Performance Integrated Prolog Processor IPP
Logical Objects
Macro Processing in Prolog
Magic Templates: A Spellbinding Approach to Logic Programs
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