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Logic Programming: Proc. of the 1995 Intern. Symp.
Связанные издания:
Abstraction of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems
A Call-by-Need Strategy for Higher-Order Functional-Logic Programming
A Compositional Proof Method of Partial Correctness for Normal Logic Programs
A Formal Approach to Deductive Synthesis of Constraint Logic Programs
An Algorithm of Generalization in Positive Supercompilation
A Paralogical Semantics for the Prolog Cut
A Simple Approach to Supporting Untagged Objects in Dynamically Typed Languages
Compositionality in SLD-derivations and their Abstractions
Control Flow Analysis of Prolog
Correctness of Logic Program Transformations Based on Existential Termination
Efficient Analysis of Logic Programs with Dynamic Scheduling
Functional Dependencies and Moore-Set Completions of Abstract Interpretations and Semantics
Logic Programming without Negation as Failure
Modeling Real-Time in Concurrent Constraint Programming
Partial Deduction of the Ground Representation and its Application to Integrity Checking
Practical Model-Based Static Analysis for Definite Logic Programs
Proving Termination of Logic Programs with Delay Declarations
Semantical Properties of Encodings in Logic Programming
Temporal Logic Programming in Dense Time
The Implementation of AKL(FD)
Type Correct Programs: A Semantic Approach