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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Comparison of Interconnection Networks for Large SIMD Parallel Computers
A View of Systolic Arrays
Distributed-Memory Programs Developmentin Declarative and Procedural Enviroment
Dynamic Parallelism in Transputer Systems
Highly Efficient Algorithms for Static Analysis of Parallel Programs
High Performance computer system "Electronica SSBIS"
High-Performance Computing System of Combined Architectare
Integrated Tools For Functional, Logical and Data Flow Parallel Programming
Keynote Remarks
Knowledge-Based Parallel Scheduling Strategies in Parallel Logic Programming Systems
Language Star for Associative and Parallel Computation with Vertical Data Processing
Massively Parallel Systolic Processors for High-Speed Recognition of Simple Patterns
Methods of Parallel Information Processing in the Architecture of SovietHigh-Performance Computers
Optimal Circulant Computer Networks
Parallel Algorithms For Graph Topology Analysis and their Implementation for a Vector Supercomputer
Parallel Computing Technologies: Proc./Intern. Conf., USSR, Novosibirsk, sept. 1991
Parallelized Quicksort and Radixsort with Optimal Speedup
Parallel Programming Language Developments
Parallel Substitution Algorithm. Theory and Application
Recognizing Faces with a Massively Parallel System
Synthesis of Models for Multiprocessor System Evaluation
The Combined Aprouch to the Distributed Computer System Simulation
THe Use of a Pram Architecture for Parallel Image Reconstruction
Vertical Processing in Parallel Computing Systems