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Связанные издания:
3-wertige Logiken und stabile Logik
A Brief History of Modula and Lilith
Algebraic Manipulation: Systems
Alignment of Nucleotide with Peptide Sequences
An Algebra of Properties
Analyse von Methoden und Werkzeugen zur Entwicklung grosser Datenbank-Anwendungs-Systeme
An Approach to Recognition of Printed Music
An Evaluation of Physical Disk I/Os for Complex Object Processing
A New Linear Algorithm to Detect A Line Graph and Output its Root Graph
A New Method to Approximate the Volume Rendering Equation using Wavelet Bases and Piecewise Polynomials
An Extension-Board with an FPGA for Experimental Circuit Design
Anforderungen an eine graphische Darstellung fur objekt-orientierte Modellierung
Anwendungsspezifisches Transaktionsmanagement: Philosophie und Realisierungskonzept
A Predicate Transformer Approach to Knowledge and Knowledge-based Protocols
A Semantic Link Model for Hypertext Retrieval
A Solution of the Two-Dimensional Global Asymptotic Jacobian Stability Conjecture
A Special Case of the Dynamization Problem for Least Cost Paths
A Survey of Direct Parallel Algorithms for Banded Linear Systems
A Temporal Extension of the Deductive Database System ProQuel
Automatic Tuning of Data Placement and Load Balancing in Disk Arrays
Automatisierung von Tuningentscheidungen in DBMS
Bemerkungen zur korrekten Auswertung von Anfragen an relationale Datenbanken mit partiellen Relationen
Binary-Radix Bucket-Region - Directory: Ein neues Directory fur das Grid File
Block Implementations of the Symmetric QR and Jacobi Algorithms
CL - An Editor the CLi6000 Field Programmable Gate Array and Its Implementation
CL-Editor User Manual
COCOON and KRISYS. A Survey and Comparison
Communication Latency Hiding Model and Implementation in High-Latency Computer Networks
Computational Biochemistry Research at ETH
Computerarchitektur aus damaliger und heutiger Sicht
Computing the Minimum of the k-Level of an Arrangement with Applications
Concurrency Control Protocols Guaranteeing Atomicity and Serializability
Conflict-Driven Load Control for the Avoidance of Data-Contention Trashing
Conjunctive Predicate Transformers for Reasoning about Concurrent Computation
Data Partitioning and Load Balancing in Parallel Disk Systems
Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science (Departement Informatik) 1995
Der KIDS-Ansatz zur Implementierung von Datenbankverwaltungssystemen
Differences between Oberon and Oberon-2
Divide and Conquer Algorithms for the Bandsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem
Dynamic File Allocation in Disk Arrays
Eine Algebra fur das EER-Modell
Ein Editor fur NF2 Tabellen
Ein zerlegungsbasierter Anfrageprozessor fur Geo-Objekte und sein Leistungsverhalten
Eliminating the Substitution Axiom from UNITY Logic
eXperimental geometrY Zurich: Software for Geometric Computation
Exploiting Multidatabase Technology for CIM
Fast Generation of Prime Numbers and Secure Public-Key Cryptographic Parameters
Fitting of Circles and Ellipses Least Squares Solution
Formulas for Series Computations
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