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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Algorithmic Languages: Proc./IFIP International Symposium on Algorithmic Languages, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 1981
Artificial Intelligence and Information-Control Systems of Robots-87
Automata, Languages and Programming: Proc./Symposium IRIA, France, July 1972
Boolean Functions and Equations
Command Languages: Proc./IFIP Working Conference on Command Languages, Lund, Sweden, July 1974
Fifth Generation Computer Architectures: Proc./IFIP TC 10 Working Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Architectures, Manchester, UK, July 1985
Foundations of Computer Science: Proc./22nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Bratislava, Slovacia, October 1981
Graphic Languages: Proc./IFIP Working Conference on Graphic Languages, Vancouver, Canada, May 1972
IFIP Congress 71: Proc./Computer Software, Ljubljana, August 1971
IFIP Congress 71: Proc./Foundations of Information Processing, Ljubljana, August 1971
IFIP Congress 71: Proc./Hardware and Systems, Ljubljana, August 1971
IFIP Congress 71: Proc./Management and Administration, Ljubljana, August 1971
IFIP Congress 71: Proc./Numerucal Mathematics, Ljubljana, August 1971
IFIP Congress 71: Proc./Sciences, Humanities, Education, Ljubljana, August 1971
IFIP Congress 71: Proc./Technological Application, Ljubljana, August 1971
Images of Programming: Dedicated to the Memory of A.P. Ershov
Information Processing 77: Proc./IFIP Congress 77, Toronto, Canada, August 1977
Information Processing 80: Proc./IFIP Congress 80, Tokyo, Japan, October 1980
Information Processing 80: Proc./IFIP Congress 80, Tokyo, Japan, October 1980 (папка с копиями статей)
Information Processing 86: Proc./ IFIP 10th World Computer Congress, Dublin, Ireland, September 1-5. 1986
Information Processing 86: Proc./ IFIP 10th World Computer Congress, Dublin, Ireland, September 1-5. 1986 (папка с копиями статей)
Information Processing 89: Proc./ IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, San Francisco,CA,USA, August-September 1989
International Congress of Mathematicians, v. 1: Proc./Warszawa, Poland, August 1983
International Congress of Mathematicians, v. 2: Proc./Warszawa, Poland, August 1983
Program Transformation and Programming Environment: Report on Workshop directed by E.L. Bauer and H.Remus? 1984
Second Conference of Program Designers: Budapest, Hungary, July 1986