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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Reuse, a Problem of Understanding Designs
Reuse Assessment
Reuse is for Applications
Reuse Library Interoperability: A RIG TC2 Perspective
Reuse of Formal Developments
Reuse of Software Semantic Elements
Reusing Formal Service Specifications
Reusing the Products of Analysis
Software Reusability through Formal Specifications
Software Reuse and Organizational Development
Software Reuse at Digital Equipment Corporation
Software Reuse at Ellemtel-Ericsson
Software Reuse at G-MRC
Software Reuse at Hewlett-Packard
Software Reuse: Management Issues
Software Reuse Strategies
Software Reuse without Reading Code
Specification Reuse by Analogy
Support for Comprehensive Reuse
Supporting Reuse in Object-Oriented Design Methods
The Boblingen Building Blocks - A Catalogue of Reusable Software Components
The Role of Software Architecture and CASE Environment for Software Reuse
Towards a Theory of Domain Knowledge for Reuse
Trying to Make Reuse Happen on a Large Project
Using Object-Oriented Methods to Develop Reusable Software for Test & Measurement Systems: A Case Study
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