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Связанные издания:
ConceptBase V3.0 User Manual
Consistent Configuration of Modular Algebraic Implementations
Constant Propagation in Explicitly Parallel Programs
Constraint Propagation in Explicitly Parallel Programs
Constructing List Homomorphisms
Convex Polytopes and Related Complexes
Cool: A Control-flow Generator for System Analysis
Costing Parallel Programs as a Function of Shapes
Database Application Development as an Object Modeling Activity
Dataflow Computation for Knowledge-Based Control of Autonomous Systems
Deadlock Detection Agents: A Distributed Deadlock Detection Scheme
Deciding Linear-Transcendental Problems
Deciding Linear-Trigonometric Problems
Deductive Integrity Maintenance in an Object-Oriented Setting
Dependence and Independence Results for (Impredicative) Calculi of Dependent Types
Design Aspects of Access Control in a Knowledge Base System
Design Assistance for Complex Information Systems
Designing Data Flow Graphs by Graph Grammars
Deterministic Permutation Routing on Meshes
Differential-Term Orders
Dual-Buffering Strategies in Object Bases
DYNAMICS 98: Proc. of the Post-Conf. Workshop on Transactions and Change in Logic Databases, Joint Intern. Conf. and Symp. on Logic Programming JICSLP 98. Manchester, UK, June 1998
DYNAMICS 98: Proc. of the Post-Conf. Workshop on Transactions and Change in Logic Databases. Joint Intern. Conf. and Symp. on Logic Programming JICSLP 98, Manchester, UK, June 20, 1998
EDEN - The Paradise of Parallel and Concurrent Programming
Eliminating Partially Dead Code in Explicitly Parallel Programs
Eliminiting Partially Dead Code in Explicitly Parallel Programs
Ersatzarithmetiken fur die fehlerstabile Implementation numerischer Algorithmen
EXPANDER: Manual and Implementation
Explicit Process Systems in Eden
Fast Computation of the Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator
Finite Model Checking and Beyond
First-order Lax Logic as a Framework for Constraint Logic Programming
From a Tabular Classification to Parallel Implementations of Lineary Recursive Functions
From Transformations to Methodology in Parallel Program Development: A Case Study
Gofer Objekt-System, Imperativ Objektorientierte und Funktionale Programmierung in einer Sprache vereint
Group Work in Software Projects: Integrated Conceptual Models and Collaboration Tools
Guarded Expressions in Practice
Heterogeneous Analysis and Verification for Distributed Systems
Hierarchical Graph Design Using HiGraD
How to Execute ULTRA Transactions
Incremental Formalization: A Key to Industrial Success
Index Set Splitting
Inductive Theorem Proving for Algebraic Specifications - TIP System User s Manual
INFINITY - International Workshop on Verification of Infinite State Systems. Pisa, Italy, August 30-31, 1996
Information Systems Development as Knowledge Engineering: A review of the DAIDA Project
Jackson s Theorems and the Number of Hidden Units in Neural Networks for Uniform Approximation
Kolloquium: Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung. Adalbert Stifter Haus, Alt Reichenau. 11-13 Oktober 1995
Left and Right Grobner Bases in Ore Extensions of Polynomial Rings
Linear Problems in Valued Fields
Local Quantifier Elimination
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