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IFIP: TC 2, Working Conf. on Program Specification and Transformation
Связанные издания:
Algebraic Specification and Proof of Properties of a Mail Service
Algebraic Specifications with Higher-Order Operations
An Introduction to ASL
Compile Time Garbage Collection or How to Tranfsform Programs in an Assignment-Free Language into Code with Assignments
Controllable Mixed Computation and Its Application to Systematic Development of Language-Oriented Parsers
Deriving and Using Destructive Data Types
Deriving Sequential and Parallel Programs from Pure LISP Specifications
Distribute Laws for Composition and Union of Module Specifications for Software Systems
Formal Specification of Large-Scale Software Objectives, Design Decisions and Experiences in a Concrete Software Project
Local Formalisms: Widening the Spectrum of Wide-Spectrum Languages
Object-Oriented Subsystem Specification
On the Design of Generate-and-Test Algorithms: Subspace Generators
On the Use of Composition in Transformational Programming
Prolog Program Transformation System
Recursive Presentation of Program Transformation
Rigorous Derivation of a Sophisticated Algorithm: Smoothsort
Specifications and Transformations: When Does the Work Really Get Done?
Strategical Derivation of Online Programs
Systematic Transformation of Interface Specifications
Transformational Design: An Annotated Example
Transformation Rules for Conditional Join Operations
Two Exercises Found in Book on Algorithmics