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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
An Area-Efficient Topology for VLSI Implementation of Viterbi Decoders and other Shuffle-Exchange Type Structures
Attributed Document Grammars
Dansk Datamatik Center
Esprit BRA 3104: Provably Correct Systems ProCoS Interim Deliverable
ESPRIT BRA 3104: Provably Correct Systems ProCos Interim Deliverable
Formal, Model-Oriented Software Development Methods. From VDM to ProCoS & from RAISE to LaCoS
Formal Specification is an Experimental Science
Modelling System Specifications on a Finite State Machine
On the Design of a Functional Formatting Language: FFL
Practical Cad Tools for Mathematical Modelling
The Dynamic Semantics of the BSI/VDM. Specification Language
Towards a Theory of Incremental Document Formatting
Towards a Theory of Work Flow Systems - a Torso