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Связанные издания:
A Complete Set of Axioms for a Theoty of Communicating Sequential Processes
A Diagramming Paradigm for Hierarchical Process Oriented Discrete Event Simulation
AISB 1976: Proc./AISB Summer Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, Edinburgh, July 1976
Algebras, Theories and Freeness: An Introduction for Computer Scientists
A Metalanguage for Interactive Proof in LCF
Analysing mutual exclusion algorithms using CCS
A Natural Deduction treatment of Operational Semantics
A Survey of Formal Software Development Methods
Automata Languages and Programming: Proc./Third International Colloquium at the University of Edinburgh, July 1976
Automated Analysis of Mutual Exclusion Algorithms using CCS
Calculi for Synchrony and Asynchrony
Characteristic Formulae for CCS with Divergence
Co-induction in Relational Semantics
Denotational Semantics as a Programming Language
Finitary Relations and the Fair Merge
Future Branching Time Logics and Fairness
GOTOs - A Study in the Algebraic Specification of Programming Languages
IFIP Congress 68: Proc./ Applications 1, Edinburgh, August 1968
IFIP Congress 68: Proc./ Applications 2, Edinburgh, August 1968
IFIP Congress 68: Proc./ Applications 3, Edinburgh, August 1968
IFIP Congress 68: Proc./ Hardware I, Edinburgh, August 1968
IFIP Congress 68: Proc./ Hardware II, Edinburgh, August 1968
IFIP Congress 68: Proc./ Invited Papers, Edinburgh, August 1968
IFIP Congress 68: Proc./ Mathematics, Edinburgh, August 1968
IFIP Congress 68: Proc./ Software 1, Edinburgh, August 1968
IFIP Congress 68: Proc./ Software 2, Edinburgh, August 1968
Inductive Inference in Reflexive Domains
Introduction to Expert Systems (Third Edition)
Laboratory for Foundations Computer Science, Annual Report 1987-88
Lecture Notes on Formal Program Development
Logical Design of VLSI Circuit with Extension of Uncertainty (or monotonic functional completeness of Kleene ternary logic)
Models and Operators for Nondeterministic Processes
Models of LCF
Partial Functions in a Total Setting
Programming in Standard ML 97: A Tutorial Introduction
Proof-Theoretic Characterisations of Logic Programming
Self-independent Petri Nets (or a dead-lock-free paradigm)
Subtyping Dependent Types
Testing Equivalences for Processes
The Category-Theoretic Solution of Recursive Domain Equations
The Definition of Standart ML Version 3
The Nonexistence of Finite Axiomatisations for CCS congruences
XHDL: A development of CIRCAL. Its Graphical Representation and Simulation