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Information Systems
Связанные издания:
Collaborative Version Control in an Agent-Based Hypertext Environment
Comparisons of Agent Approaches with Centralized Alternatives Based on Logistical Scenarios
Complete Decompositions of Join Dependencies
Completeness of integrated information sources
Complexity Metrics for Systems Development Methods and Techniques
Complexity of database languages
Composite Regions in Topological Queries
Computational Modeling Systems
Computer Supported Argumentation and Collaborative Decision Making: The HERMES System
Concurrency Control for Object Bases
Concurrency Control for Step-Decomposed Transformations
Concurrency Control Strategies for Ordered Data Broadcast in Mobile Computing Systems
Constraint-based wrapper s[ecification and verification for cooperative information systems
Conversational Querying
Counter reduction technique for combined processing of selection and join
Coupling Prolog to a Database Management System
Cryptographic Key Assignment Scheme for Access Control in a Hierarchy
CURE: An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Large Databases
Database classification for multi-database mining
Database Models for Infinite and Indefinite Temporal Information
Database Security: Reseach and Practice
Data caching strategies for distributed full text retrieval systems
Data Integration under Integrity Constraint
Data Partitioning for Multicomputer Database Systems: A Cell-Based Approach
Data Sharing Economics and Requirements for Integration Tool Design
Data Warehouse Process Management
DBC: A Condensed Representation of Frequent Patterns for Efficient Mining
DBJ - A Dynamic Balancing Hash Join Algorithm in Multiprocessor Database Systems
DBMS Support for Time and Totally Ordered Compound Data Types
DDR: an index method for large time-series datasets
Decision support queries on a tape-resident data warehouse
Defining specialization for dataflow diagrams
Defining Visions in Context: Models, Processes and Tools for Requirements Engineering
Deriving Incremental Production Rules for Deductive Data
Description Logics with Aggregates and Concrete Domains
Design and implementation of a string database query language
Design and Implementation of Rock & Roll: A Deductive Object-Oriented Database System
Designing Information Systems in Social Context: A Goal and Scenario Modeling Approach
Design Principles for Process Modeling in Enterprise Application Integration
Detecting Redundant Materialized Views in Data Warehouse Evolution
Detection of Complex Temporal Patterns over Data Streams
Determining Object Interaction in Object-Oriented Deductive Conceptual Models
Developing a Meta Model for the Bunge-Wand-Weber Ontological Constructs
Developing Formal Object-Oriented Requirements Specifications: A Model, Tool and Technique
Direct Manipulation of a Data Dictionary with SQL
Discovering and Reconciling Value Conflicts for Numerical Data Integration
Discovering Interesting Inclusion Dependencies: Application to Logical Database Tuning
Discovering Knowledge from Large Databases Using Prestored Information
Distributed Databases Design - Optimization vs Feasibility
DLp: A Description Logic for Extracting and Managing Complex Terminological and Structural Properties from Database Schemes
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