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Parallel Computing in Engineering and Engineering Education
Связанные издания:
A Distance Learning Package for Parallel Computing
A Multi-Microprocessor Architecture Intended as an Extension of a Personal Computer
An investigation into software testing for parallel computing
A Parallel Development Environment for the IPSC Hypercube
A Transputer-based Parallel Rendering Engine for Computer Graphics
Evaluating Parallel Architectures for Rapid Rendering of CSG Object Using Spatial Subdivision
Execution Emulation of the Occam TM Parallel Processing Language
Filtered Back Projection on Hypercube Computers
How to exploit the object potential parallelism with a massively parallel architecture
Interconnection Networks in Engineering Education
Parallel Computing in Control
Parallel Processing for Real-Time Systems: A Primer Course
Remote access parallel computing education and training for Australian conditions
Self-Diagnosis of a MIMD Parallel System
Simulation Strategies for Computer Networks on a Parallel MIMD Computer
Solving Partial Differential Equations on a Parallel Supercomputers
Teaching in Computer Architecture Based on Sumulation Environment
Teaching Parallelism and Concurrency to Engineering Students: Experiences at the University of East Anglia
Teaching Parallel Processing
The Unification of Hardware and Software Engineering Education through Formal Methods
Transputer Implementation of Parallel Real-Time Systems