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Computer Science Logic
Связанные издания:
A Bounded Set Theory with Anti-Foundation Axiom and Inductive Definability
A -calculus Structure Isomorphic to Gentzen-style Sequent Calculus Structure
A Homomorphism Concept for -Regularity
A Lambda-calculus Structure Isomorphic to Gentzen-style Sequent Calculus Structure
Algorithmic aspects of propositional tense logics
A Mixed Linear and Non-Linear Logic: Proofs, Terms and Models (Extended Abstract)
An algebraic view of structural induction
An Intuitijnistic Modal Logic with Applications to the Formal Verification of Hardware
An Intuitionistic Modal Logic with Applications to the Formal Verification of Hardware
A Sound Metalogical Semantics for Input/Output Effects
A Subtyping for the Eisher-Honsell-Mitchell Lambda Calculus of Objects
A Subtyping for the Fisher-Honsell-Mitchell Lambda Calculus of Objects
Canonical Forms for Data-Specifications
Completeness of Resolution for Definite Answers with Case Analysis
Convergence and 0-1 Laws for L under Arbitrary Measures
Cut Free Formalization of Logic with Finitely Many Variables. Part 1
Decidability of Higher-Order Subtyping with Intersection Types
First-Order Spectra with One Binary Predicate
General Form Recursive Equations I
How to lie without being (easily) convicted and the lengths of proofs in propositional calculus
Is First Order Contained in an Initial Segment of PTIME?
Lambda Representation of Operations Between Different Term Algebras
Log-Approximable Minimization Problems on Random Inputs
Logic Programming in Tau Categories
Logics for Context-Free Languages
Logics For Context - Free Languages
Modal Logics Preserving Admissible for S4 Inference Rules
Monadic Logical Definability of NP-Complele Problems
Monadic Logical Definability of NP-Complete Problems
Monadic Second-Order Logic and Linear Orderings of Finite Structures
On Existential Theories of List Concatenation
On the Interpretation of Type Theory in Locally Cartesian Closed Categories
Powerdomains, Powerstructures and Fairness
Ramified recurrence and computational complexity II: Substitution and poly-space
Reasoning and Rewriting with Set-Relations I: Ground Completeness
Resolution Games and Non-Liftable Resolution Orderings
Semi-Unification and Generalizations of a Particularly Simple Form
Semi-Unification and Generalizations og a Particulary Simple Form
Stratified Default Theories
Subrecursion as a Basis for a Feasible Programming Language
Subtyping with Singleton Types
The Girard Translation Extended with Recursion
Towards Machine-checked Compiler Correctness for Higher-order Pure Functional Languages
Usability: formalising (un)definedness in typed lambda calculus