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Advances in Spatial Databases
Связанные издания:
2D Projection Interval Relationships: A Symbolic Representation of Spatial Relationships
A 3D Molecular Surface Representation Supporting Neighborhood Queries
Accessing Geographical Metafiles through a Database Storage System
An Inferencing Language for Automated Spatial Reasoning About Graphic Entities
Comparison and benchmarks for import of VPF geographic data from object-oriented and relational database files
Compressing Elevation Data
Discovery of Spatial Association Rules in Geographic Information Databases
Extending a Spatial Access Structure to Support Additional Standard Attributes
Generating Seeded Trees from Data Sets
Implementation of the ROSE Algebra: Efficient Algorithms for Realm-Based Spatial Data Types
Inferences from Combined Knowledge about Topology and Directions
Knowledge Discovery in Large Spatial Databases: Focusing Techniques for Efficient Class Identification
Load-Balancing in High Performance GIS: Declustering Polygonal Maps
Lossles Representation of Topological Spatial Data
Multi-Scale Partitions: Application to Spatial and Statistical Databases
On the Desirability and Limitations of Linear Spatial Database Models
Optimal Redundancy in Spatial Database Systems
Ranking in Spatial Databases
Spatial Join Strategies in Distributed Spatial DBMS
Specifying Open GIS with Functional Languages
The Quad View Data Structure - a Representation for Planar Subdivisions
Topological Relations between Discrete Regions
Towards a Formal Model for Multiresolution Spatial Maps