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Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology
Связанные издания:
A Calculus of Countable Broadcasting Systems
A Framework for Machine-Assisted User Interface Verification
A Generic Algebra for Data Collections Based on Constructive Logic
An Algebraic Constructions of the Well-Founded Model
An Algebraic Development Technique for Information Systems
An Algebraic Framework for Developing and Maintaining Real-Time Systems
An Introduction to Category-based Equational Logic
Automated reasoning about parallel algorithms using powerlists
Causality and True Concurrency: A Data-flow Analysis of the Pi-Calculus
Completeness Results for Two-sorted Metric Temporal Logics
Confluence in Concurrent Constraint Programming
Context-Free Event Domains are Recognizable
CPO models for infinite term rewriting
Detecting Isomorphisms of Modular Specifications with Diagrams
Dynamic Matrices and the Cost Analysis of Concurrent Programs
Encoding Natural Semantics in Coq
Equational Logic as a Tool
Higher-Order Narrowing with Convergent Systems
Information Algebras
Knowledge Based Computation (Extended Abstract)
Logical Foundations for Compositional Verification and Development of Concurrent Programs in UNITY
Mongruences and Cofree Coalgebras
On mechanizing proofs within a complete proof system for Unity
On the Decidability of Process Equivalences for the pi-calculus
Order-sorted Algebraic Specifications with Higher-order Functions
Partial Order Programming (Revisited)
Petri Nets, Traces, and Local Model Checking
Proving the Correctness of Behavioural Implementations
Representing, Verifying and Applying Software Development Steps using the PVS System
Semantic Typing for Parametric Algebraic Specifications
Specification of the Unix File System: A Comparative Case Study
Symbolic Timing Devices
Teaching Mathematics to Software Engineers
The Role of Education and Training in the Industrial Application of Formal Methods
Verification in Continuous Time by Discrete Reasoning
Verification of Logic Programs with Delay Declarations