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AT&T Technical J.
Связанные издания:
A Broad Path for Network Migration: BISDN Products and Services from AT&T
Achieving Customer Satisfaction Through Robust Design
Advanced Software Technology Supporting Customer Programmability
An Analysis of Universal Multimedia Switching Architectures
An Engineering Approach to Secure System Analysis, Design, and Integration
An Improved Approach to Product Quality Through Testing
An Incremental Environment for Computer-Aided Design Tools
An Integrated Human Resources Approach to Moving Information Technology Professionals Toward Best in Class
An Interpretive Environment for Operations Support Systems
An Introduction to Cryptanalysis
An Introduction to the ASN.1 MACRO Replacement Notation
An Overview of Quality and Project Management Processes at AT&T
An Overview of Universal Information Services: Concepts and Technologies of Future Networks
Applications, Algorithms, and Software for Massively Parallel Computing
Architecture of the Intuity Response Application Programming Interface (IRAPI)
Architectures for Large-Scale Reuse
Architecture Styles and Services: An Experiment Involving the Signal Operations Platforms-Provisioning Operations System
ASCC: The Impact of a Silver Bullet
AT&T and TELESYSTEMES Partnering in France
AT&T ATM Switching-Network Products
AT&T Message Service
AT&T s Global Intelligent Network Architecture
AT&T Voice Processing System Architectures
AT and T 5ESS Switch Hardware Development Methodology: A Procedure for Ensuring Quality
Audio Compression: Technology and Applications
Audio Technology Used in AT&T s Terminal Equipment
Automated Synthesis of Mixed-Mode (Asynchronous and Synchronous) Systems
Automatic Test Generation for Digital Electronic Circuits
Boundary-Scan Testing for Electronic Subassemblies and Systems
Bringing Business Information to AT&T Network Systems through a Data Warehouse
Broadband Applications and Services Prospectus
Broadband ISDN: An Overview
Built-In Self-Test for Digital Integrated Circuits
CAE/CAD at AT and T: an Introduction
Call Center Solutions
Cellular and PCS Digital-Mobile-Services Switching Center
Characterizing voice transmission performance for evolving business networks
Classic and PROSE Stories: Enabling Technologies for Knowledge-based Systems
Coding of Speech and Wideband Audio
Compas: A Development-Process Support System
Competing in Large-Scale Software Development
Components for Software Fault Tolerance and Rejuvenation
Concurrent Engineering: An Anabler for Fast, High-Quality Product Realization
Corporate networking applications
Corporate networking: evolution and architecture
Customer-Focused Manufacturing in the Switching Systems Business Unit
Deployable Automatic Speech Recognition Systems: Advances and Challenges
Design and Deployment of Optically Amplified Undersea Systems
Design and Development for a Global Market
Designing networking solutions for the nineties: a new approach
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