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AT&T Technical J.
Связанные издания:
Designing Operations Systems Interfaces That Are Easy to Use
Design Requirements for the Current Generation of Undersea Cable Systems
Development of WaveLAN, an ISM Band Wireless LAN
Development Process Audits and Reviews
Development Processes and Applications at AT and T: An Overview
Dielectric Materials for Advanced VLSI and ULSI Technologies
Digital Radio for Mobile Applications
Digital Signal Processors: Toward Vision 2001
Distributed Switching Architecture Trends and Concepts
Dividing the Software Pie
Efficient Encoding Rules for ASN.1-Based Protocols
Electronic Document Distribution
Ensuring Structural Testability of High-Density SMT Circuit Packs
Environments for Testing Software Systems
Evoluting of Messaging Standards
Evolution of Global Key-System Platforms
Evolution of Routing and Capacity Management in International Switched Networks
Evolution of Software Development Environments
Evolution Toward Broadband
Experiences with Distributed Objects
Experienсеs Applying Methods Supported By CASE Tools
Extendidng Design-for-Test Into the Analog and Mixed-Signal Domains
FASTAR Platform Gives the Network a Competitive Edge
Fast Packet Technology for Future Switches
Focus on Network Reliability: Power and Infrastructure
Future Directions for Undersea Communications
Globalization of Intelligent Network Services
Global Teamwork: Developing International ISDN Capabilities for the 5ESS Switch
HuMaNet: An experimental Human-Machine Communications Network Based on ISDN Wideband Audio
Improving on the Best: "Like a 1A, Only Better"
Improving the Front End of the Software-Development Process for Large-Scale Systems
Improving Time To Market in Consumer Products
Innovative Technologies for Preventing Network Outages
Installation and Maintenance Technology for Undersea Cable Systems
Integrating the World Wide Web and Database Technology
Intelligent Network Directions
Intelligent Network OAM and P Capabilities and Evolutions for Network Elements
Intelligent Network Platforms in the U.S.
Intelligent Systems and Technologies for Manufacturing
Interactive Voice Technology Applications
International Applications of AT and T s Intelligent Networks Platforms
International Considerations in PBX Design
International Mandatory Product Standards
ISDN Design for Global Markets
ISHMAEL: an Integrated Software/Hardware Maintenance and Evolution Environment
Issues and Mechanisms for Trustworthy Systems: Creating Transparent Mistrust
Logic Simulation on the Mars Multicomputer
Makcal: an Application Generator for Advice
Managing an R and D Contract with the Government
Managing a Project as a Process
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