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AT&T Technical J.
Связанные издания:
Managing Design Changes
Managing Organizational Handoffs with Empowered Teams
Managing Quality and Quality Improvement
Market Analysis and Product Design for Telecommunications Equipment and Services
Methods for Synthesizing Testable Sequential Circuits
Modular Project Management
Network Aspects of Broadband ISDN
Networking Constraints in Multimedia Conferencing and the Role of ATM Networks
Network Planning, Operation, and Maintenance Practices for Undersea Communication Systems
Network Security in a Heterogeneous Environment
Non-Destructive Optical Techniques for Characterizing Semiconductor Materials and Devices
Novel Applications of Speech Processing in AT&T Network Systems Products
Objeсt-Oriented Design And Programming
Operations Systems: A Perspective
Optical Fiber System Design for TelMex
Partnering: A Strategic Element of Globalization
PEST: a Tool for Implementing Pseudo-Exhaustive Self-Test
Photonic Multiple-Access Networks: Routing and Multiplexing
Photonic Multiple-Access Networks: Topologies
Principles and Standards for Broadband ISDN
Product Definition Through the Design-by-Use Process
Public Key Cryptography
QFD: Echoing the Voice of the Customer
Quick Prototyping Using JAM* for the Customized FT-2 Project
Reaping Benefits with Object-Oriented Technology
Reengineering the New Product Introduction Process
Requirements for a Brain Transplant for the New 1B Processor
Research in Software
Robust Testing of AT&T PMX/StarMAIL Using OATS
Scoping Software Projects
Secure Network Access Using Multiple Applications of AT&T s Smart Card
Security in Electronic Messaging Systems
Service Creation Technologies for the Intelligent Network
Service Design and Inventory System - An Object-Oriented Reusable Software Asset
Service Net-2000: An Intelligent Network Evolution
Service Proceeding Systems for AT&T s Intelligent Network
Silver Bullet: An Iterative Model for Process Definition and Improvement
Small-Team Development in a Competitive Environment
Software in the Large
Software Production: From Art/Craft to Engineering
Software Project Management: Moving Bryond Project Plans
Speech Coders: From Idea to Product
Speech Processing: A Perspective on the Science and its Applications
Speech Recognition: from the Labaratory to the Real World
SQA - A Proactive Approach to Assuring Software Quality
StarKeeper II NMS - Management of a Cell Relay Network
Structured Cabling Systems for the Global Premises Distribution Market
Switch-to-computer networking in the nineties: the evolution of AT and T s switch-computer interfaces
Synchronization in intelligent digital networks
System Simulation with Midas
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