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ZUM 95: The Z Formal Specification Notation
Связанные издания:
A Course on Formal Methods in Software Engineering: Matching Requirements with Design
A Formal Semantics for a Language with Type Extension
An Algebraic Proof in VDM
A Two-Dimensional View of Integrated Formal and Informal Specification Techniques
Compilation of Z Specification into C for Automatic Test Result Evaluation
Equal Rights for Schemas in Z
Experiments with the Z Interchange Format and SGML
Exploring Specifications with Mathematica
Extending W for Object-Z
How Firing Conditions Help Inheritance
Implementing Z in Isabelle
Improving Software Tests using Z Specifications
Mechanizing Formal Methods: Opportunities and Chhallenges
Mental Models of Z: I - Sets and Logic
Select Z Bibliography
Specifications and Their Use in Defining Subtypes
Structuring Z Specifications: Some Choices
Teaching Programming as Engineering
Testing as Abstraction
The Z-into-Haskell Tool-kit: An Illustrative Case Study
Types and Sets in Godel and Z
Using Z to Rigorously Review a Specification of a Network Management System
Viewpoints and Objects
Z Browser - Tool for Visualisation of Z Specifications