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CONCUR 95: Concurrency Theory
Связанные издания:
Acceptance Trees for Probabilistic Processes
A Complete Theory of Deterministic Event Structures
A Compositional Trace-Based Semantics for Probabilistic Automata
A Petri Net Semantics for Pi-calculus
A Polymorphic Type System for the Polyadic Pi-calculus
A Refinement Theory that Supports both Decrease of Nondeterminism and Increase of Parallelism
A Trace Consistent Subset of PTL
Axiomatisations of Weak Equivalences for De Simone Languages
Axiomatising Linear Time Mu-calculus
Bisimulations for a Calculus of Broadcasting Systems
Characterizing Behavioural Congruences for Petri Nets
Checking Bisimilarity for Finitary Pi-calculus
Checking Regular Properties of Petri Nets
Compositional Model Checking of Real Time Systems
Compositional Proof Systems for Model Checking Infinite State Processes
Confluence for Process Verification
CTR: A Calculus of Timed Refinement
Decidability of Simulation and Bisimulation between Lossy Channel Systems and Finite State Systems
Delayed choice for process algebra with abstraction
Fair Testing
Faster Asynchronous Systems
Fibrational control structures
Fully Abstract Models for Nondeterministic Regular Expressions
Local Model Checing Games (Extended Abstract)
Metric Predicate Transformers: Toward a Notion of Refinement for Concurrency
On Sharing and Determinacy in Concurrent Systems
On the Complexity of Branching Modular Model Checking (Extended Abstract)
Process Semantics of Graph Reduction
Reachability Analysis at Procedure Level through Timing Coincidence
Temporal Logic + Timed Automata: Expressiveness and Decidability
The Fixpoint-Analysis Machine
The Weak Late Pi-calculus Semantics as Observation Equivalence
Towards a denotational semantics for ET-LOTOS
Tutorial: Proving Properties of Concurrent Systems with SPIN
Unique Fixpoint Induction for Mobile Processes
Verification of a Distributed Summation Algorithm
Verifying Parameterized Networks using Abstraction and Regular Languages
Will I be Pretty, Will I be Rich? Some Thoughts on Theory vs. Practice in Systems Engeneering