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Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1995
Связанные издания:
An Abstract Account of Composition
An Elementary Bisimulaton Decision Procedure for Arbitrary Context-Free Processes
A New Approach to Analyse Coupled-Context-Free Languages
An Operator Calculus Approach to the Evolution of Dynamic Data Structures
Automata for the modal mu-calculus and related results
A v-Calculus with Local Viewes for Systems of Sequential Agents
Bridging Across the log(n) Space Frontier
Computational Complexity of Simultaneous Elementary Matching Problems
Decomposable Structures, Boolean Function Representations, and Optimization
Deterministic Parsing for Augmented Context-free Grammars
From Timed Automata to Logic - and Back
Graph Reducibility of Term Rewriting Systems
Incremental Model Checking for Decomposable Structures (Extended Abstract)
Measure on P: Robustness of the Notion
Modular constructions of distributing automata
On Congruences and Partial Orders
On the Complexity of Finite Memory Policies for Markov Decision Processes
On the Computing Paradigm and Computational Complexity
On the Proof Method for Bisimulation (extended abstract)
Performance Preorder: Ordering Processes with Respect to Speed
Positive Recursive Type Assignment
Scheduling Parallel Communication: The h-relation Problem
Second Order Logic and the Weal Exponential Hierarchies
Sintax and Semantics of Procol
String Recognition on Anonymous Rings
Symbolic Dynamics and Finite Automata
Synthesizing Distinguishing Formulae for Real Time Systems - Extended Abstract
The Complexity of Interval Routing on Random Graphs
The Complexity of the Falsifiability Problem for Pure Implicational Formulas
The Hedge: An Efficient Storage Device for Turimg Machines with One Head
Towards a Calculus of Predicate Transformers
Towards a Semantic Theory of CML. Extended Abstract