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Software Engineering - ESEC 95
Связанные издания:
A Formal Framework for ASTRAL Inter-level Proof Obligations
An Empirical Evaluation of Three Defect-Detection Techniques
An Exploratory Study of Program Metrics as Predictors of Reachability Analysis Performance
An Integrated Formal Model of Scenarios Based on Statecharts
An Objective Reuse Metric: Model and Methodology
A Personal Commitment to Software Quality
A Specification-Based Methodology for Testing Concurrent Programs
Assessing the Quality of Large, Software-Intensive Systems: A Case Study
A Structured Analysis Formalism with Execution Semantics to Allow Unambiguous Model Interpretation
Component Programming - a fresh look at software components
Demands and Perspectives for Future Software Engineers: An Industrial Viewpoint
Designing a Framework by Stepwise Generalization
Design Process Improvement Case Study Using Process Waiver Data
Distributed Modeling and Distributed Enaction of Business Processes
Dynamic Configuration Abstraction
Graph Grammar Engineering with PROGRES
Handling Version Sets Through Feature Logic
Improvise: Interactive Multimedia Process Visualization Environment
Instrumentation of Synchronous Reactive Models for Performance Engineering
Integrating Incremental Analysis with Version Management
Measuring Product Attributes of Object-Oriented Systems
Metrics for Quality Factors in the LESD Project
Object-Oriented Re-Architecturing
PQL: A language for specifying abstract program views
Quantitative Evaluations of Software Quality Built in with Domain-specific Disciplines
Specifying Distributed Software Architectures
Supprting Design Rationale for System Evolution
The Impact of Incremental Delivery on Maintenance Effort: An Analytical Study
The Treatment of Non-Functional Requirements in MIKE
Tool Support for Formak Software Development: A Generic Architecture
Using a Symbolic Model Checker for Verify Safety Properties in SA/RT Models
Why we need object databases