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Software Configuration Management
Связанные издания:
About some relationships between configuration management, software process and cooperative work: the COO Environment
An Overview of the CAPITL Software Development Environment
A Rationale for Automated Configuration Status Accounting
ClearCase MultiSite: Supporting Geographically-Distributed Software Development
Configuration Management in Terms of Modules
Customization of a Commercial CM System to Provide Better Management Mechanisms
Deductive software building
Designing Configuration Management Facilities for Dynamically Bound Systems
Does Configuration Management Research Have a Future?
Experiences of Customization and Introduction of a CM Model
Experiences With a Script-Based Software Configuration Management System
Modelling Systems with Variability using the PROTEUS Configuration Language
Software Configuration Management: Why is it needed and what should it du?
Store - a System for Handling Third-Party Applications in a Heterogeneous Computer Environment
Syntactic Software Merging
The Odin System
The State of the Art in Concurrent, Distributed Configuration Management
Three dimensional versioning
Transaction Planning to Support Coordination
Untangling Configuration Management
VOODOO A Tool for Orthogonal Version Management
Why Can t I Buy an SCM Tool?