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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Information Systems and Data Management
Связанные издания:
A Study of Distributed Transaction Processing in an Internetwork
Calibration of a DBMS Cost Model with the Software Testpilot
Conflictfreeness as a Basis for Schema Integration
Database Schema Design Theory: Achievements and Challenges
Data Retrieval and Aggregates in SQL/NR
Estimating Data Accuracy in a Federated Database Environment
Favourite SQL-Statements - An Empirical Analysis of SQL-Usage in Commercial Applications
Handling Changes in Dynamic Specifications in Object Oriented Systems
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Compressed Bit-Sliced Signature Files
Maintaining Surrogate Data for Query Acceleration in Multilevel Secure Database Systems
Normalization of Linear Recursions Based on Graph Transformations
Partial Migration in an 8mm Tape Based Tertiary Storage File System and its Performance Evaluation through Satellite Image Processing Applications
Partitioning Pipelines with Communication Costs
Relational Database Design Using an ER Approach and Prolog
Some Aspects of Rule Discovery in Data Bases
Static Allocation in Distributed Objectbase Systems: A Graphical Approach
Supporting Distributed Individual Work in Cooperative Specification Development
Telesensation Fusion of Multi-Media Information and Information Highways
The Rejuvenation of Materialized Views
The Use of the Object Repository in the Configuration of Control Systems at CERN