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Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases
Связанные издания:
Active Database Rules with Transaction-Conscious Stable-Model Semantics
A mixed Approach to Negation in General Datalog Programs
A Model of Authorization for Object-Oriented Databases Based on Object Views
An Experimental Distributed Deductive Database System
A Query Translation Scheme for Rapid Implementation of Wrappers
Authorization Analysis of Queries in Object-Oriented Databases
Combining Resolution and Classification for SEmantic Query Optimization in DOOD
Composite Temporal Events in Active Databases Rules: A Logic-Oriented Approach
Concurrency and Recovery for Typed Objects using a New Commutativity Relation
Deductive and Object Data Languages: A Quest for Integration
Deductive Object-Oriented Programming for Knowledge-base Independence
Deep Equality Revisited
Design of Active Rule Applications: Issues and Approaches
Efficiently Following Object References for Large Object Collections and Small Main Memory
Efficient Processing of Queries Containing User-Defined Predicates
ELS-programs and the efficient evaluation of non-stratified programs by transformation to ELS
Inheritance Reasoning by Regular Sets in Knowledge-bases with Dot Notation
Montague Grammars as Deductive Databases
Normalization and Compilation of Deductive and Object-Oriented Database Programs for Efficient Query Evaluation
On the Specification of Views in DOOD Systems
Practical Behavior of Parallelization Strategies for Datalog
Querying Semistructured Heterogeneous Information
Query Processing in IRO-DB
Resolving Ambiguities caused by Multiple Inheritance
Run-Time Detection of Non-Terminating Active Rule Systems
Semantic Query Optimization for Object Queries
Structured Objects: Modeling and Reasoning
The Implementation of a Deductive Query Language Over an OODB
Transaction Safety in Deductive Object-Oriented Databases
Transforming RElational Database Schemas into Object-Oriented Schemas according to ODMG-93