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Trends in Distributed Systems
Связанные издания:
A COBRA Compliant Real-Time Multimedia Platform for Broadband Networks
A Generic and Executable Model for the Specification and Validation of Distributed Behaviors
COBRA-Based Data Transfer for Financial Risk Management
Communication Middleware for Reliable Workflow Management Systems
Design and Implemebttation of a Multimedia Communication Service in a Distributed Environment Based on the TINA-C Architecture
Exercise of TINA Concepts for a Video Broadcast Service over ATM Networks
Finding Optimal Services Within a COBRA Trader
Formal Discription and Interpretation of Coordination Protocols for Teamwork
Implementation of Hidden Concurrency in COBRA Clients
Interoperability of Distributed Transaction Processing Systems
Metadata Modelling for Healthcare Application in a Federated Database System
Passing Objects by Value in COBRA
Quality of Service in Distributed Multimedia Systems
Reuse and Inheritance in Distributed Object Systems
Specifying Multimedia Binding Objects in Z
Structuring Call Control Software Using Distributed Objects