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The Computer Journal
Связанные издания:
A Blocking-based Approach to Protocol Validation
A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for the Construction of Reversible Variable Length Codes
A Comprehensive Framework for Specifying Clairvoyance, Constraints and Periodicity in Real-Time Scheduling
Adapting Calculational Logic to the Undefined
A Document-Oriented Paradigm for the Construction of Content-Intensive Applications
A Fuzzy Petri Net Tool for Modeling and Verification of Knowledge-Based Systems
A Logical Basis for Component-Oriented Software and Systems Engineering
A Methodology to Define External Schemas in ODMG Databases
An Architecture for Kernel-Level Verification of Executables at Run Time
An Efficient Distributed Algorithm to Identify and Traceback DDoS Traffic
A New Intelligent Agent-based Strategy for Constrained Multiple Destination Routing Problems
An Inline Detection and Prevention Framework for Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
An Overview of Vertical Partitioning in Object Oriented Databases
A Recovery Mechanism for Shells
A Type-Passing Approach for the Implementation of Parametric Methods in Java
Average-Case Performance Analysis of Online Non-Clairvoyant Scheduling of Parallel Tasks With Precedence Constraints
Branch-Coverage Testability Transformation for Unstructured Programs
Cache-Aware Real-Time Disk Scheduling
Comparing the Optimal Performance of Parallel Architectures
Consistent Implementations of Replicated Objects
Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Euclidean Distance Transform
Eliminating Spurious Error Messages Using Exceptions, Polymorphism, and Higher-Order Functions
Enumerating Proofs of Positive Formulae
Evaluation of a Java Ahead-of-Time Compiler for Embedded Systems
Evolution-Based Scheduling of Computations and Communications on Distributed-Memory Multicomputers
Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence, Constraint Satisfaction and Database Problems
Formally Verifying Fault Tolerant System Designs
Formal versus Material Ontologies for Information Systems Interpretation in the Semantic Web
Generalized Bottom Up Parsers with Reduced Stack Activity
Grid, Management and Self-Management
Handling Synchronization Problem in Petri Net-Based System Design by Property-Reserving Transition-Reduction
Integrating a Program Design Calculus and a Subset of UML
Interactive Temporal Behaviours and Modelling for Multimedia Presentations in the WWW Environment
Legality of XML-Schema Type Hierarchies
Location Tracking in a Wireless Sensor Network by Mobile Agents and Its Data Fusion Strategies
Max-Density Revisited: a Generalization and a More Efficient Algorithm
Modelling and Analysis of a Scheduled Maintenance System: A DSPN Approach
Modular Analysis of Petri Nets
On Approximate Algorithms for Distance-Based Queries using R-Trees
On the Behavioral Equivalence Between k-data Structures
On the Complexity of Some Verification Problems in Process Control Specifications
On the Minimality of Finite Automata and Stream X-machines for Finite Languages
Optimization of Signature File Parameters for Databases with Varying Record Lengths
Optimizing Object-Based Multimedia Delivery across Bandwidth Constrained Networks
Parameterized Complexity in Cognitive Modeling: Foundations, Applications and Opportunities
Pervasive Computing on Active Networks
Practical Compiler Techniques on Efficient Multithreaded Code Generation for OpenMP Programs
Quantum Programming Languages: An Introductory Overview
Regression-Based Self-Tuning Modeling of Smooth User-Defined Function Costs for an Object-Relational Database Management System Query Optimizer
Representation of Web Data in A Web Warehouse
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