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Parallel Computing
Связанные издания:
Behaviour Specification of Parallel Active Objects
Bulk Synchronous Parallel: Practical Experience with a Model for Parallel Computing
Coordination Languages for Parallel Programming
Debugging with the MAD Environment
Distributed and Parallel Systems Engineering in MANIFOLD
Effects of synchronization barries on multiprocessor performance
Fast scan-line conversion using vectorisation
Finding the roots of a polynomial on an MIMD multicomputer
HPFIT: A Set of Integrated Tools for the Parallelization of Applications using High Performance Fortran. PART I: HPFIT and the TransTOOL Environment
HPFIT: A Set of Integrated Tools for the Parallelization of Applications using High Performance Fortran. PART II: Data-Structure Visualization and HPF Extensions for Irregular Problems
Integrated Visualization of Parallel Program Performance Data
Language and Library Support for Practical PRAM Programming
Neural Simulation of Petri Nets
Plugging anti and output Dependence Removal Techniques into Loop Parallelization Algorithm
Realistic Parallel Performance Estimation
Solving the generalized eigenvalue problem on a synchronous linear processor array
Some issues in parallel processing as encountered on the Denelcor HEP
Structuring parallel algorithms in an MIMD, shared memory environment
Which Approach to Parallelizing Scientific Codes - That Is the Question