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Proc. of Third IEEE Intern Conf. on Formal Engineering Methods - ICFEM 2000
Связанные издания:
A Case Study in Partial Specification: Consistency and Refinement for Object-Z
An Animatable Operational Semantics of the Verilog Hardware Description Language
An Integrated CSP-Based Tool for the Visualisation, Animation and Performance Evaluation of Message Passing Algorithms
A Unified Algebraic Framework for Specifying Communication Protocols
ClawZ: Control Laws in Z
Composing Specifications in VSPEC
Embedding Formally Proved Code in a Smart Card: Converting B to C
Filter Promotion Transformation Strategies for Deriving Efficient Programs from Z Specifications
Formal Derivation of Multilayered Hardware/Software Structures
Formal Foundations of Object-Oriented Modeling Notations
Fragmented Retrenchment, Concurrency and Fairness
Highly Reliable Component-Based Software Development by using Algebraic Behavioral Specification
Maximally Abstract Retrenchments
Mechanical Verification of Transaction Processing Systems
SPIN vs. VIS: A Case Study on the Formal Verification of the ATMR Protocol
Structuring Reactive Systems in B AMN
Translating UAN into CSP
Using Use Cases in Executable Z