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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Adapting JavaRMI for grid computing
An Introduction to Oracles for Asynchronous Distributed Systems
Assembly Technology for Parallel Realization of Numerical Models on MIMD-Multicomputers
A static analysis for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML to avoid parallel nesting
A Time Cost Model for Distributed Objects Parallel Computation
Authentication primitives for secure protocol specifications
Computation properties of spatial dynamics simulation by probabilistic cellular automata
Debugging Real-World Data-Parallel Programs with SPiDER
Dynamic replication algorithms for the multi-tier Data Grid
Flow Logic for Dolev-Yao Secrecy in Cryptographic Processes
JoiN: The implementation of a Java-based massively parallel grid
Message Passing without Send-Receive
Monte Carlo grid for financial risk management
Optimizing Remote Method Invocation with Communication-Computation Overlap
Retargetable code generation for application-specific processors
Supercomputer simulation of self-gravitating media
Supporting the application of Situated Cellular Agents in non-uniform spaces
Wait-free computing: an introductory lecture