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Связанные издания:
A Call to ARMS
Automating Software Failure Reporting
Beyond Relational Databases
Databases of Discovery
Describing the Elephant: The Different Faces of IT as Service
Enterprise Grid Computing
Error Messages: What s the Problem?
Extensible Programming for the 21st Century
Fighting Spam with Reputation Systems
Fuzzy Boundaries: Objects, Components and Web Services
How to Write Fortran in Any Language
Languages: Levels, Libraries, and Longevity
Managing Semi-Structured Data
Order from Chaos: will ontologies help you structure your semi-structured data?
Outsourcing: Devising a Game Plan
Security: Problem Solved?
Self-Healing in Modern Operating Systems
Software and the Concurrency Revolution
The Future of Microprocessors
Threads Without the Pain
Too Darned
Why Your Data Won t Mix?
XML and Semi-Structured Data