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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Analysis of Dinamic Algorithms in D.E.Knuth s Model
An Operator Approach to Processes on Lie Groups
Completion of a Set of Rules Modulo a Set of Equations
Deplacement exact d un polygone au sein d un ensemble de polygones
Discs and other Related Data Structures
Dynamic Algorithms in D.E.Knuth s Model: a Probabilistic Analysis
Dynamic Data Structures with Finite Population:a compbinatorial analysis
Helpful heurisics for motion planning
Non Overlapping Partitions, Continued Fractions, Bessel Functions, and a Divergent Series
Operators, Stochastic Processes, and Lie Groups
Probabilistic Analysis of some Distributed Algorithms
Recursive Decomposition Ordering
Stochastic Processes and Appell Systems on Lie Groups
Uniform Generation of Unary-Bynary Trees