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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Parcella 90
Связанные издания:
A Non-Branch Risc Kernel for Large-Grain Dataflow Computation
An Optimal Partitioning Method for Parallel Algorithms
A Taxonomy of Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms
Communications Architectures for Fine-Grain Parallel Processing
Implementation and Evaluation of a Parallel Theorem Prover for Horn-Clause Logic
Infinitesimal vs.Discrete Methods in Neural Network Synthesis
Models, Parallel Algorithms and Highly-Productive Systems for Data Processing on Neuro-Computer Structures
Parallel AI Algorithms for Fine-Grained Hypercube Multiprocessors
Parallel Memory Access for Systolic Matrix Computations
Recursive Tree Networks as Dataflow Machines
The Megaframe Hypercluster - a Reconfigurable Architecture for Massively Parallel Computers
The Syntax of Parallelism
Towards a Formal Theory of Computer Architecture