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Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing
Связанные издания:
A Comparison of Automatic versus Manual Parallelization of the Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover
A Future-based Parallel Language for a General-purpose Highly-parallel Computer
A New Compilation Technique for Parallelizing Loops with Unpredictable Branches on a VLIW Architecture
A Status Report on CONSUL
A Theory of Loop Permutations
Blackboard Programming in Shared Prolog
Code Generation and Separate Compilation in a Parallel Program Debugger
Compile Time Optimization of Memory and Register Usage on the Cray 2
Compiling for Dataflow Software Pipelining
Compiling Programs with User Parallelism
Concurrentization: Mapping Parallel Loops onto a Cluster of Control Data s Advanced Parallel Processors
COOL: a Language for Parallel Programming
Desirable Code Transformations for a Concurrent Machine
Experiences Using Control Dependence in PTRAN
Fine-grain Parallelization and the Wavefront Method
Improving Parallel Program Performance Using Critical Path Analysis
Loop Rotation
Refined C: an Update
Software Engineering of Parallel Programs in a Computationally Oriented Display Environment
Some Results on Exact Data Dependence Analysis
Static Analysis and Runtime Support for Parallel Execution of C
The PARSEQ Project: an Interim Report
The Structure of Parafrase-2: an Advanced Parallelizing Compiler for C and Fortran
The XYZ Abstraction Levels of Poker-Like Languages
Tuple Analysis and Partial Evaluation Strategies in the Linda Precompiler
Visual Extensions to Parallel Programming Languages