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Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-93): Proc./Intern.Conf.
Связанные издания:
A High Performance C Compiler for Distributed Memory Machines
ALBA: A Programming Model for Distributed Memory Architectures
A Modular Systolic Linearization of the Winigrad s Algorithm
A Multiattrubute File System for Shared Nothing Architectures
Aspects of load Management on Parallel Computers
Automatic Exploitation of Or-Parallelism in Prolog
A Verifiable Exeption Handling Model for Parallel Programming
Data Partitioning and Allocation Strategies for Parallel Database Operations
Enhancing Asynchronism of Data Exchanges in Parallel Programs
Implementation of the Programming Language Parallel Fortran for Multiprocessor System with Programmable Structure
Implementing Globally Adaptive Quadrature on the KSR-1 Parallel Computer
Investigating the Rate of Convergence of Multigrid Algorithms for Parallel Computer Implementation
Lisp Server Having an Idea of Micro Kernel Philosophy
Multidimensional Pipeline and Array Architectures for On-Line Computation of the Fast Orthogonal Transforms
Parallel Garbage Collection by Partial Marking and Conditionally Invoked GC
RTSM - A Runtime System for Transputer based Realtime Systems
Scheduling Non-Numerical Programs with Hierarchical Windows
Software for Massively Parallel Systems: The Real Grand Challenge
State Assignment Problem in Hardware Implementation of Parallel Algorithms of Logical Control