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Advances in Software Reuse (Selected Papers from the Second Intern. Workshop on Software Reusability)
Связанные издания:
A Constructive Approach to Reuse of Conceptual Components
A Reuse Metrics and Return on Investment Model
Design as Evolution and Reuse
Enhanced Reuse with Group Decision Support Systems
Experiences from Application of a Faceted Classification Scheme
LILEANNA: A Parameterized Programming Language
Object Oriented Module Interconnection Languages
On the Retrieval of Reusable Software Components
People-Oriented Software Reuse: The Very Thought
Performance Considerations in Object-Oriented Reuse
Polymorphic Components for Monomorphic Languages
Regression Analysis of Reusable Program Components
Retrieval of Reusable Components in a Development Information System
Reuse-in-the-Large: Modeling, Specification and Management
SRSGEN - A Software Reuse Tool for Lafge Scale Applications
The Generic Reusable Component: An Approach to Reuse Hierarchical OO Designs
The REBOOT Environment
The Reuse Capability Model: A Basis for Improving an Organization s Reuse Capability
Uniformity and Invariance in Support of Re-Use