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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Bull. Novosibirsk Computing Center. Ser.: Computer Science
Связанные издания:
An Effective Model Checking for Mu-calculus: From Finite Systems Towards Systems with Real Time
Constraint-based analysis of composite solvers
Designing tableau-like axiomization for Propositional Linear Temporal Logic at home of Arthur Prior
Efficient update of tree paths on associative systems with bit-parallel processing
High Level Language STAR for Associative Parallel Processors and Its Application to Relational Algebra
Implementation of High-Accuracy Computations in Vertical Processing Systems
Ontology-based approach to development of adjustable knowledge internet portal for support of research activity
Open maps and barbed bisimulation for timed transition systems
OS-independent detection of thread switches on uniprocessor
Partial SSA form: compact representation for programs with indirect memory operations
S4CAD: A Software Tool for Synthesis, Analysis and Modeling of Systolic Structures
Symbolic verification method for definite iterations over tuples of altered data structures
The Relative Strength of Topological Properties for Event Structures