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Proc. of the First Intern. Workshop on Software Reusability
Связанные издания:
Abstract Polymorphism and Code Reuse
Acquiring Knowledge for Software Information Systems
A Knowledge-Oriented Approach to Reuse
An Experience of Software Reuse Activities
An Industrial Perspective on Software Reuse
An Information Retrieval Approach for Building Reuse Libraries
Applications of Reuse in Space and Industry
A Reusability View of Process and CASE Environment Structural and Conceptual Models
A Set-Oriented Program Description Language for Ada
Building Reusable Components for Ada Concurrent Applications with DRAGOON
Case-Based Reuse for Information System Development: The Techne Project
Component Factory and Software Reuse
Configuration Description for Component Reuse
Design Recovery a Multi-Paradigm Approach
Formal Aspects of Software Reusability
Genvoca: Reuse in Layered Domains
Integrating Reuse into a Software Development Environment
Methodology & Assembly System with Software Components Technology: MASCOT
Reuse, a Problem of Understanding Designs
Reuse Assessment
Reuse is for Applications
Reuse of Formal Developments
Software Reusability through Formal Specifications
Software Reuse and Organizational Development
Software Reuse at G-MRC
Software Reuse at Hewlett-Packard
Software Reuse: Management Issues
Specification Reuse by Analogy
Support for Comprehensive Reuse
The Boblingen Building Blocks - A Catalogue of Reusable Software Components
The Role of Software Architecture and CASE Environment for Software Reuse
Using Object-Oriented Methods to Develop Reusable Software for Test & Measurement Systems: A Case Study