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Связанные издания:
Pattern Recognition: ICPR International Workshops and Challenges, Part III: Proc./Virtual Event, January 2021
Pattern Recognition: ICPR International Workshops and Challenges, Part II: Proc./Virtual Event, January 2021
Pattern Recognition: ICPR International Workshops and Challenges, Part I: Proc./Virtual Event, January 2021
Pattern Recognition: ICPR International Workshops and Challenges, Part IV: Proc./Virtual Event, January 2021
Pattern Recognition: ICPR International Workshops and Challenges, Part VIII: Proc./Virtual Event, January 2021
Pattern Recognition: ICPR International Workshops and Challenges, Part VII: Proc./Virtual Event, January 2021
Pattern Recognition: ICPR International Workshops and Challenges, Part V: Proc./Virtual Event, January 2021
Pattern Recognition: Proc./12th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2020, Morelia, Mexico, June 2020
Pattern Recognition: Proc./13th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2021, Mexico City, Mexico, June 2021
Pattern Recognition: Proc./40th German Conference, GCPR 2018
Pattern Recognition: Proc./41st DAGM German Conference, DAGM GCPR 2019, Dortmund, Germany, September 2019
Predictive Intelligence in Medicine: Proc./3rd International Workshop, PRIME 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 2020
PRICAI 2018: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Part I: Proc./15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing, China, August 2018
PRICAI 2021: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Part III: Proc./18th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PRICAI 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 2021
PRICAI 2021: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Part II: Proc./18th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PRICAI 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 2021
PRICAI 2021: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Part I: Proc./18th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PRICAI 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 2021
Processing and Analysis of Biomedical Information: Revised Selected Papers/1st International SIPAIM Workshop, SaMBa 2018 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2018, Granada, Spain, September 2018
Progress in Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition: Proc./7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, IWAIPR 2021, Havana, Cuba, October 2021
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications: Proc./23rd Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP 2018, Madrid, Spain, November 2018
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications: Proc./24th Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP 2019, Havana, Cuba, October 2019
Real VR - Immersive Digital Reality: How to Import the Real World into Head-Mounted Immersive Displays
Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Workshop, RRPR 2018, Beijing, China, August 2019
RoboCup 2016: Robot World Cup XX
RoboCup 2017: Robot World Cup XXI
RoboCup 2018: Robot World Cup XXII
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: Proc./8th International Conference, SSVM 2021, Virtual Event, May 2021
Semantics, Analytics, Visualization: Revised Selected Papers/3rd International Workshop,SAVE-SD 2017, Perth, Australia, April 2017, and 4th International Workshop, SAVE-SD 2018, Lyon, France, April 2018
Simplifying Medical Ultrasound: Proc./2nd International Workshop, ASMUS 2021Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, October 2021
Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging: Proc./4th International Workshop, SASHIMI 2019, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2019, Shenzhen, China, October 2019
Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging: Proc./5th International Workshop, SASHIMI 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 2020
Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging: Proc./6th International Workshop, SASHIMI 2021 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, October 2021
Smart Computing and Communication: Proc./3rd International Conference, SmartCom 2018, Tokyo, Japan, December 2018
Smart Multimedia: Revised Selected Papers/1st International Conference, ICSM 2018, Toulon, France, August 2018
Smart Multimedia: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Conference, ICSM 2019, San Diego,CA,USA, December 2019
Smart Ultrasound Imaging and Perinatal, Preterm and Paediatric Image Analysis: Proc./1st International Workshop, SUSI 2019 and 4th International Workshop, PIPPI 2019, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2019, Shenzhen, China, October 2019
Speech and Computer: Proc./21st International Conference, SPECOM 2019, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2019
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: ACDC and MMWHS Challenges: Revised Selected Papers/8th International Workshop, STACOM 2017 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Quebec City,Canada, September 2017
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Atrial Segmentation and LV Quantification Challenges: Revised Selected Papers/9th International Workshop, STACOM 2018 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2018, Granada, Spain, September 2018
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Multi-Disease, Multi-View, and Multi-Center Right Ventricular Segmentation in Cardiac MRI Challenge: Revised Selected Papers/12th International Workshop, STACOM 2021 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, October 2021
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Proc./Joint IAPR International Workshop, S+SSPR 2018, Beijing, China, August 2018
Thoracic Image Analysis: Proc./2nd International Workshop, TIA 2020 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 2020
Towards the Automatization of Cranial Implant Design in Cranioplasty II: Proc./2nd Challenge, Autoimplant 2021 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, October 2021
Transactions on Edutainment XIV
Uncertainty for Safe Utilization of Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, and Graphs in Biomedical Image Analysis: Proc./2nd International Workshop, UNSURE 2020 and 3rd International Workshop, GRAIL 2020 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 2020
Uncertainty for Safe Utilization of Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, and Perinatal Imaging, Placental and Preterm Image Analysis: Proc./3rd International Workshop, UNSURE 2021 and 6th International Workshop, PLPPL 2021 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, October 2021
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